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How to Teach Holiness: The Case for a Holy Life
How to Teach Holiness, Volume II was born out of a deep desire to see Apostolic people gain a clearer understanding of the applications of holiness principles. PART I addresses five significant and controversial issues: holiness of the heart, holiness of the face, holiness of the wardrobe, holiness of hair, and financial holiness, in particular “the holy tithe.” PART II is the first published material to focus in a comprehensive way on the challenges of teaching holiness to children. These chapters address issues of modesty with young children, the place of household rules, peer influences, and issues concerning boy-girl relationships in the teen years. PART III addresses the issue of temptation and the flood of unholy images in our society. And PART IV addresses techniques for teaching holiness and contending with the nay-sayers. How to Teach Holiness, Volume II will provide all teachers of holiness with greater insight and a clearer definition of what constitutes true biblical holiness.
As a supplement to this book, the author has also written a shorter book called Jesus Bought a House for the students of holiness. This book focuses on defining holiness, describing the seven eternal principles, and encouraging believers to embrace the holy life. Additional material on how to effectively teach holiness is available in How to Teach Holiness, Volume I.

Jesus Bought a Home
HOLINESS IS A BIG IDEA! And because of this, it does not lend itself to brief definitions or simplistic explanations. As believers, God calls us His holy people; yet He also instructs us to "be holy" and to "pursue" and "perfect" holiness. The challenge is understanding what this actually means in the life of a believer.
The purpose of this book is to explain in simply terms what holiness is and how it is pursued. It is based on the premise that the key to living a holy life is understanding seven eternal principles of holiness. They are called "eternal" because they are derived from the attributes of God Himself, which means they existed before the creation of the universe. But they were revealed in the Garden of Eden. This means that by looking back, we can discover these principles and learn how to apply in our lives.
This book proposes that understanding these principles is the key. This is because principles answer the question "Why?" Once a believer understands why we do what we do, holy living becomes an exciting and uplifting spiritual journey.
David A. Huston has written numerous books and articles on a variety of subjects. In 1992 he founded an Apostolic church in Carlisle, PA, where he lives with his wife, Barbara, and participates in the pastoral ministry. He has traveled widely and has taught on many topics, including Oneness, leadership, home group ministry, the Last Days, and holiness. In 2013 he taught holiness seminars in seven different cities in South Africa.

Volume I: How to Teach Holiness
From the Inside Out
Holiness is the attributes of God manifested in a human life. Since it affects every area of life, which includes both the inward and outward aspects of life, it must be presented to new believers in a comprehensive way, not as merely what a person has to do to be Apostolic. Holiness is a fundamental aspect of being a Christian. Yet we must not suggest that holiness is equal to salvation, lest we do away with the power of the blood. A person does not have to be holy to be saved; yet without holiness a person will not be saved. This may see like a contradiction to some, but it is actually a vital distinction if we are to present holiness correctly and if it is to be received and lived out on the correct basis. In short, we do not live a holy life to be saved, but to glorify God. Yet how can we be saved if we fail to glorify God, since that is the purpose for which we have been saved?
David A. Huston has written numerous books and articles on a variety of topics. This volume was conceived while preparing to teach on holiness in South Africa. In 2013, after conducting holiness seminars for pastors in seven cities, he realized the depth of the need to teach church leaders how to teach holiness to their assemblies.
The premise of this book is that people need to understand the eternal principles behind what we commonly call “holiness standards.” Every valid standard is based on a principle of holiness; but when these principles are not known or understood, believers tend to perceive the standards as little more than an Apostolic “dress code.”
How to Teach Holiness will provide all teachers of holiness with greater insight and a clearer definition of what constitutes true biblical holiness. It describes in detail seven eternal principles of holiness and how these principles must be applied in the lives of every believer.
As a supplement to this book, the author has also written a shorter book called Jesus Bought a House for the students of holiness. This book focuses on defining holiness, describing the seven principles, and encouraging believers to embrace the life of holiness.

Building the Glorious Church
The Bible tells us plainly that the Lord will return for a “glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing” (Ephesians 5:27). In light of this unalterable reality, how should a local assembly be structured to fulfill its God-ordained purpose? Or stated another way, what is God’s plan for oversight and service in His glorious church?
This book has been written for all who are interested in learning more about the pattern established in the Bible for local church leadership. Our hope is that those who read it will be stirred to search the Scriptures to confirm for themselves the true biblical pattern and will commit to modeling that pattern in their local assemblies as the Lord Jesus supplies the means. This book is intended to serve as a follow-up to The Glorious Church by David Huston and Jim McKinley.

The Glorious Church
The purpose of this book is to plant seeds. It is to provoke Apostolic men and women to stop and consider: Are we currently headed in the right direction, or do we need to make some radical changes to line up with God’s plan for the Church? We have attempted to describe the Church Jesus Christ is building as it appears in the Scriptures. Understanding and receiving the elements of this description is vital if the body of Christ is to stand victorious against the growing persecution, glorifying Jesus throughout the earth. God’s people must be prepared, and that preparation must begin now. We ask that the reader consider the points we have presented and pray with us that Jesus would lead each of us into “all truth” by the power of His glorious Spirit.
The ideas in The Glorious Church are presented in the form a contemporary interview with Paul, the bondservant and apostle of Jesus Christ. We acknowledge that we have taken a great liberty in presenting our ideas in this manner, running the risk that some may think us presumptuous, putting words in the mouth of the great apostle. We simply ask the reader to accept this interview format as no more than a useful literary device, enabling us to discuss or explain important biblical concepts in an interesting way.

The Light of Pentecost
This short history of the New Testament Church is actually an unfolding presentation of the true gospel of Jesus Christ. After establishing the absolute oneness of the Godhead in Jesus Christ, the author shows clearly and simply that the multi-person conception of God came directly out of Greek philosophy. The Light of Pentecost uses a number of quotes from the New Catholic Encyclopedia to prove the correctness of Apostolic doctrine. It has been very effective as an evangelistic tool.

The Real Message of John 3:16

The Sons of Oil
Did you know that the most quoted verse in the Bible can be used to prove the Oneness of God and the necessity of baptism in Jesus name? This book unpacks this well-known verse in a way that will surprise many people. The Real Message of John 3:16 is a great soul-winning tool.
The Sons of Oil is a clear, Bible-based perspective on inner healing. It answers the following important questions...
■ What is inner healing...according to Scripture?
■ Do believers really need inner healing?
■ How is inner healing ministered to a hurting believer?
■ What are the benefits of inner healing to us? To Jesus?
The Sons of Oil points hurting believers to where healing can be found. It is also a useful tool in equipping believers to minister to other believers.